Saturday, July 11, 2009

ATT Continues to Charge Non-Customers!

Tell you what, it will be a cold day in hell before I ever use ATT for any service of any kind.

Some YEARS ago, ATT handled the long distance for our home phone. We moved to a local provider who offered a great deal and dropped ATT. ATT continued to charge us, so we called ATT again and had them cancel our service. Again.

The following month we were charged again. Called the monkeys at ATT again. Canceled account again. Supervisor reassured us our account was canceled.

Next month, same thing, same charges. See where this is going? We finally got our local provider, Hickorytech, to help. Finally, no charges. Account canceled a fourth time.

We have COMPLETELY DROP OUR HOME PHONE SERVICE. This means there is no "land line" phone in our house anymore, as we use our cell phones all the time. Why pay for redundant services?

After a few months, ATT's collection services begins calling us, demanding that we pay our overdue long distance bills. This takes a few days to sort out with the ATT "customer service" monkeys. Account canceled once more, supervisor promises.

Guess what we discovered this morning? On the back of our bill, there is a $2.99 charge for ATT long distance. Long distance for what, exactly, our television service? Internet service? Now we are going through our bills to find out how many months this has been going on.

I strongly encourage all of you to examine your phone bills, whether you have ever have ever used ATT or not. This is phone fraud, and perhaps a great opportunity for a class-action lawyer.

My only recourse, since ATT lies about their billing practices, is to demand that our phone company fix this and refund our money. We'll see what happenes on Monday.

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